ASPECT 360 The ASPECT 360 system has been specifically developed for use in surveying, high risk mobile robotics and autonomous systems. The system enables complete audio-visual documentation of all events surrounding the vehicle, enabling real-time computer vision in any direction even when objects, incidents or signs might be outside the view of normal cameras. The camera can also be used as an independent mobile monitoring system of the vehicle and surrounding traffic, providing law-enforcement / insurance investigation standard evidence. The Challenge In vehicles cluttered with sensors, placement and field of view are critical. When placing a mobile or autonomous system in a higher risk environment, take no chances: It is commonplace that sometimes vital information is not recorded in the run up and aftermath to incidents, or software processing (such as stitching) can change the imagery recorded. The Solution ASPECT 360 delivers a fully automated and secure solution, ensuring critical images can be independently captured and preserved with total data integrity. ASPECT 360 provides a simplified solution to monitoring and identifying incident causation, while adding a unique sensor layer which can also be used for low priority computer vision functions. Using a unique optical layout, the full 360 degree scene is captured with no stitching. |
April 2019 Aspect 360 data sheet
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